I think this idea has a lot of merit. But I'm not sure I would call it the root - maybe more like a primary mechanism. It's a helpful insight into the organizational dynamics at play, but surely the root needs to be found in the heart and psychology of the individuals who embrace this ideology and shape their whole lives around it.

When I saw you were treating this topic I thought for sure you were going to make a link to family breakdown. Are you familiar with the work of Mary Eberstadt? She has been developing a thesis for a number of years through books and articles that family breakdown is at the root of a lot of our societal issues, including secularism. In this powerful article she makes the link between wokeness (in the form of aggressive activism and rioting in the summer of 2020) and fatherlessness. Key quote:

"Deprived of father, Father, and patria, a critical mass of humanity has become socially dysfunctional on a scale not seen before." (https://www.firstthings.com/article/2020/12/the-fury-of-the-fatherless)

She sometimes overstates her case, but I think her argument has a lot of merit. The phenomenon of wokeness has been so pervasive and rapid that it deserves as much clear thinking as we can manage.

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Yah I agree Phil. It’s more of a How than the deepest why. I’ll check out that article.

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